Chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said his party would like to get an agreement reached with the Vetevendosje on forming new government “as of tomorrow,” Gazeta Express reports.
Mustafa told T7 broadcaster that the two parties which won Kosovo election are doing their outmost to reach an agreement on co-governance. “We would like to have a done deal tomorrow morning, efforts are ongoing,” Mustafa said. He also confirmed that he will not meet today the Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti. “Today we have no meeting with the Vetevendosje,” Mustafa told T7. The two leaders Albin Kurti (Vetevndosje) and Isa Mustafa (LDK) met last weekend and after a three-hours meeting no accord was reached. LDK is asking their proposal get the president’s position after current mandate of the Kosovo president expires in 2021. The proposal has been thwarted by the Vetevendosje who say that he agreement on president’s post is not part of the political deal on sharing powers in new Government.
The two parties have already agreed on sharing of ministerial posts, in the government which according to the Constitution of Kosovo will be headed by the winner of the elections – the Vetevendosje leader, Albin Kurti. /GazetaExpress/