TIRANA – In its daily update the health ministry said on Saturday that there is an increase of the number of the cases of affected people by coronavirus with a declared total of 38 infected by Covid-19.
Last Friday that figure stood at 33.
Official sources confirm that work has been stepped up to identify the affected cases and trace people who have been in contact with the infected citizens.
“During the last 24 hours the Institute of Public Health (IPH) in cooperation with the epidiomologists of local units of health care has continued intensively the worn in the field to find out cases and trace people who have been in contact with the infected citizens who have already been confirmed as affected by Covid,” said Albana Fico, IPH director.
According to her, two of them are in intensive therapy, a 66-year old man from Lushnja and a 61-year old woman from Fier. The rest of hospitalized patients are in a stable state until now. The highest number of the affected is in Tirana with 22 cases followed by Durres with 5.
Specialists have already confirmed in talk shows or through social networks that the number of the affected people by Covid is higher than what is officially declared as there are affected citizens who don’t know that they have already the virus or other cases particularly among young who do not show any symptoms./argumentum.al