Minister of Reconstruction Arben Ahmetaj has harshly criticized the opposition program to revive Albania’s economy in a TV talk show on Saturday.
According to him, the economic plan of the opposition is unfeasible as the country could go bankrupt.
Ahmetaj stressed that the flat tax is destructive and unsuccessful as it is applied only in populist countries. He noted that no word was said about the after earthquake reconstruction or the pandemic, while he considered the DP’s pension scheme as bankruptcy.
But former MP Jorida Tabaku in a meeting with various businesses in Tirana on Sunday said DP’s program aims that the individual and the economy win.
“Edi Rama and Arben Ahmetaj cannot win along with 5 people behind them, rather Albanians must win. The profit tax for big business will be from 15% to 9% This gives you more opportunities to invest. Social insurance contributions for employes and employees will be 9% and flat tax will be applied,” she said.
Tabaku repeated the pledge that the price of electricity, especially for producers, will be lowered by 20%.
“On April 25 we will make a big change,” said Tabaku.
Albania is set to hold regular general elections on April 25 this year against the background of a tense political situation and the grave pandemic.