President Ilir Meta has released 10 facts and arguments over the elections of June 30, 2019 which were held without the participation of the opposition. Besides there was a presidential decree to cancel those elections ignored by the Socialist Party which had the support of the Internationals to go ahead.
The Constitutional Court will make a decision on the June 30 elections but only after receiving an opinion from the Venice Commission after three months. A senior judge said the issue is very sensitive for the Court to make its ruling.
In this situation, Meta says that Albanians were denied the right to choose between alternatives.
“Albanians were denied the right to choose between alternatives in the voting of June 30, 2019. It was a strong violation of Democracy, the Constitution and the Basic Principle of the existence of a United Europe where we want to be part,” said Meta said in a post on social networks on Friday.
He promised that there will never be monistic voting in Albania again. “Never with monistic voting in Albania! So few facts are enough for anyone to understand,” the President noted.
Among others he mentioned as argument that it was voted for only one candidate in 35 municipalities which comprise 57.3 percent of such local power bodies of the country. /