“On this day of Holocaust remembrance we honor the memory of millions of innocent Jews killed by the Nazis during the World War II,” said Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday.
Minister Xhacka praised the contribution of Albanians in the hospitality and shelter of Jews during that dark time.
“As Albanians, we look back at history and take pride in the fact that the Jews were welcomed, sheltered and saved from the tragedy by the Albanians, winning the title of ‘Righteous Among the Nations’,” she said.
Xhacka also posted a video, where Joel Rubin, Executive Director of the Jewish Congress praises the contribution of the Albanian people to protecting the lives of Jews.
“As an American Jew, I want to personally thank the Albanian people for what they did for Jews during World War II to save the lives of Jews,” Rubin said.
Meanwhile, Moisi Batino, the Albanian Jew who survived the Holocaust, says that the head of the family told them not to be afraid that he was there. “If something happens to you, I will die first, the woman, my kids and then I will hand you over,” said Batino./ Argumentum.al
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