TIRANA, September 27 – Albania has started the negotiation of the group of fundamental chapters, focusing on Chapter 23: “Judiciary and fundamental rights”, the coordination of which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice, after the opening of intergovernmental negotiations with the EU in July 2022.
The Albanian negotiating group is chaired by the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator, Majlinda Dhuka, it’s officially reported on Tuesday.
The Deputy Minister of Justice and negotiator for Chapter 23 “Judiciary and fundamental rights”, Adea Pirdeni, as well as representatives of the Albanian institutions of the justice system, responsible in the field of the fight against corruption and fundamental rights are part of the Albanian group.
The meeting focused, among other things, on explaining the standards of the European Union legislation regarding the guarantee of effective judicial protection, anti-corruption policies, personal data protection, non-discrimination, children’s rights, and media freedom.