TIRANA, September 28 – ‘The prime minister of failures’ has been described the government head of Albania, Edi Rama by the chairman of the Freedom Party (FP), Ilir Meta, in a press conference on Wednesday.
Listing some of Rama’ biggest failures, Meta highlighted the failure regarding the lack of energy capacity after ten years of governance. In addition, he mentioned as a failure the non-gasification of Albania after the construction of the strategic gas pipeline of TAP, which certainly has nothing to do with this government. “This gas pipeline started operation on November 15, 2020 and has had more than enough time to proceed according to the forecasts of the gas master plan for the national network. For the projects of the Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline, the Albania-Kosovo ALKOGAP gas pipeline, the connection of TAP with the Vlora TPP through the pipeline and today the gasification of Albania is at the zero point after 10 years with this prime minister,” said Meta, a former president and premier. In addition he said complete failure is the lack of support for technology installations for energy production from solar and wind sources.
“The non-operation of the Albanian electricity exchange to this day is a complete failure. It should have been operational in 2019,” said Meta.
“The prime minister of failures in these 10 years certainly cannot talk about them, but tries to invent other factors. In the meantime he works to stick the knife on citizens in this whole crisis, which is based on his failures. He tries to transfer the immense corruption deceiving that it will not affect family consumption. No, it will seriously affect them and businesses and enterprises that will have the risk of bankruptcy due to the increase in energy costs,” warned Meta. /Argumentum.al