TIRANA, November 30 – Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced that the international competition for the new Port of Durrës will be opened at the beginning of next year amidst the rising rejection of the mega project by the opposition. Through a post on “Facebook” on Wednesday Rama said that it is expected that at the beginning of the second half of next year “we will be at the construction site with the new Port of Porto Romano”, thus inviting the Prime Minister of Kosovo and the ministers of the line to be part of the presentation of the final project. “Despite all the progandistic noise, we open the international competition for the New Port of Durrës at the beginning of next year, which will be built in Porto Romano. If everything goes according to plan, at the beginning of the second half of next year we will be in the construction site with the new Port of Porto Romano, which will be a joint port stretching from Durrës to Pristina and Struga with two dry ports that will be connected by rail,” said Rama.
Regarding the Durrës-Prishtina railway, Rama said the phase of the feasibility study had begun. “We are in intensive discussions with the European Commission in cooperation with the government of North Macedonia for the next railway. On December 12, I hope that the Prime Minister of Kosovo and the line ministers will join us in the big public presentation of the final project.” said Rama.
Despite the promises of all governments, Albania is the only country in Europe without a railway connection with foreign countries, while the existing local railways are in such a bad shape that are not used by citizens. /Argumentum.al