TIRANA, February 9 – Not many hours have passed since the investigation of the show ‘Inside Story’ broadcast by Top Chanel TV on Wednesday, in which exclusive documents were revealed on former Deputy PM Arben Ahmetaj, the special prosecution, SPAK has expanded the investigations by ordering their administration as evidence.
Very reliable sources confirm that these documents and evidence broadcast on TCH will be attached to the investigative actions of SPAK, which is shedding light on the role of the former Minister of Finance and then the former Deputy Prime Minister, in the case of incinerators.
The investigation In the show Inside Story unveiled for the first time facts that show how the former deputy prime minister, Arben Ahmetaj has benefited from properties worth hundreds of thousands of euros from the suspects of the incinerators. The documents and transactions prove how Ahmetaj secured a luxury villa on the coast of Lalzi from the businessman, Klodian Zoto who has been declared wanted.
The property is in the name of Ahmetaj’s cohabitant, Mrs. Erjola Hoxha. Emails between the construction company and the businessman, Zoto prove that it was this citizen who commissioned the villa in the tourist village.
Ahmetaj, as the real beneficiary, was hiding behind a notary contract signed by one of his closest friends. Through another sale-purchase contract, the villa is transferred to the name of Ahmetaj’s cohabitant. The new facts published in Inside Story prove the strong implication of Ahmetaj in the case of incinerators. /Argumentum.al