By Edi Rama
Yesterday I had the special pleasure to visit from Kosovo the two golden Albanian girls of Tokyo, together with their phenomenal coach. They asked to meet me and I felt very honored. The conversation with the girls and the coach and the friends who accompanied them was inspiring and with some beautiful ideas of cooperation, which we agreed to develop together. When they asked us to take pictures, I said “Yes, I am a traitor, I do not want to cause you trouble!”. They actually laughed a lot and we took the pictures, which they also wanted me to post on my site.
But, as I expected, the digital army of supposedly patriots across the border, that swearing and cursing have their weapons of the blind war of the Albanian with the Albanian and that they do not know anything to do to the donkey and are falling on the Samaritan, was released urgently in the stream of comments of my post. God forbid they do not know what they are doing, it is the best thing to say in these cases. And I forgive them, those who inspire them and feed them with the blinding poison of hatred, hatred, fear of the future. But two words as short as possible for such a long conversation, I will not leave without saying on this occasion.
Time does not stop and peace is not won by the means of war. Kosovo won the war thanks to the invincible alliance of the United States with the greatest European powers, in support of its liberation army. Without that alliance, neither freedom, nor citizenship, nor peace for the people of Kosovo could have come today all day.
But can Kosovo win the final peace and can the Albanian nation prosper, cooling off and as we say, “showing the father the fields”, when he talks to America, Germany, France or the European Union itself?
I ask this question because I lived the “field story” in the first person, to the point that a Kosovar leader put it in the eyes of Merkel and Macron, “I do not eat flowers for these!” and it was there that he lost the historic opportunity to remove visas for Kosovo, which he made buffon in the eyes of its irreplaceable strategic allies with supposedly patriotic nonsense.
Can Kosovo win the peace and can its new state flourish, as well as the Albanians as a whole, turning the Dialogue with Serbia into a monologue that does not spoil any work for Serbia (on the contrary, it has been irritating the nerves of our allies for years now). irreplaceable strategists, to whom, for all the fault of Kosovo monologues, Serbia seems more and more innocent, while Kosovo seems less and less reasonable)?
I ask this question, because for 8 years now I have witnessed in the first person, the ever-decreasing trajectory of their respect and patience with official Pristina and I am more and more hurt by the distortions of their lips, when it comes to Kosovo .
Can the big issue of Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo be resolved, by further deepening the great deformation of several years already in Kosovo, of making Pristina’s domestic policy Kosovo’s foreign policy and vice versa, as well as by including it in the template? vulgarity of betrayal and the new regional policy of official Tirana itself?
I ask this question here, to tell all those in Kosovo who have found the traitor in me, that first, I am the one who in the middle of Belgrade spoke loudly about the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and as if all to defend the recognition of Kosovo in foreign languages at least as I defend it, anywhere and anytime, today Kosovo would be much more respected internationally.
Secondly, the Open Balkans is not only the path of the future for the prosperity of the Albanian nation, as a European nation that has its affiliation in the United Europe, but it is also a new and greater opportunity, on the road to recognition. of Kosovo from Serbia; as for one of the many examples of the great benefit of the Open Balkans, who does not want to understand why the Open Balkans finally removes the border between Albania and Kosovo, let me tell you why they have not been able to remove it until today who have promised it with fury and why I can not remove that border without the Open Balkans, none of whom “did not eat the flower” for the irreplaceable strategic allies of Kosovo and Albania together, who fully support the Open Balkan initiative.
And finally, who in Kosovo thinks that by cursing and cursing me makes Kosovo stronger in the diplomatic fight for recognition by Serbia, let the cannon be fired at him, he has all my blessing to put his whole tongue out. But let no one in Kosovo or Albania expect me and the new ruling majority of Albania to give up the diplomatic fight for peace and economic and social prosperity in the Open Balkans – including Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo. Which is done wisely, side by side with the irreplaceable strategic allies of Albania and Kosovo, and not with the “flower” of supposed digital patriotism.
Time will speak more and better!