TIRANA – Today’s number of 10 new cases of infected people with coronavirus during the last 24 hours has been considered a return to low figures in Albania by health officials.
“During the last 24 hours, 212 people suspected of COVID-19 have been tested. From the test results, 10 positive cases with COVID-19 have been confirmed,” said on Monday Deputy Minister Mira Rakacolli as Albania entered the 7th week of the pandemic. which .
Most of the cases were discovered in Tirana (9 cases), mostly family contacts, and 1 new case in Shkodra, said Rakacolli who declared that so far7.491 suspected cases have been tested, 736 of which resulted positive.
Furthermore, she announced also that there are 34 hospitalized patients in two COVID-19 hospitals in Tirana and 9 are in intensive therapy while 2 are in intubation.
Despite the low figure and the loosening of the restrictive measures starting on Monday medical specialist Pellumb Pipero warned that it is too early to talk about immunity created towards COVID-19, as those antibodies that had been created had to be stable to fight the virus.
“Speaking of immunity, it is still too early to talk about it,” said Pipero, who in the meantime did not exclude the possibility that the epidemic might return in autumn.
“The virus may return in the autumn because it has not disappeared yet. However, even if it does return, the possibility of developing further is lower. Now, we are used to it, we will know how to protect ourselves and the hospital capacity is bigger,” he said. /argumentum.al