TIRANA – “If growth of the coronavirus cases continues the schemes of the emergency brakes will be used according to the scenarios,” has warned the Health Minister, Ogerta Manastirliu who was displeased with the double digit numbers of the affected people with COVID-19 during the last two days.
“Some 219 citizens suspected of being affected by Covid-19 have been tested and 18 citizens have resulted positive in the last 24 hours bringing the total number of infected to 916 in Albania. Most of the recent cases are contacts of previous cases, while epidemiological investigation continues,” revealed the daily medical bulletin on Friday.
The 18 cases, a similar number with that of a day earlier, were found in a textile manufacturer factory in Durres (7), Berat (5), Tirana (4) and Kruja (2).
“These data show that it is very important to apply the rules by all citizens and not to reduce vigilance. The care of the citizens must continue in order to respect the established measures for minimizing as much as possible the spread of the virus to family contacts or beyond. Businesses themselves must adhere to established protocols to protect citizens and employees,” said Silva Bino, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Institute of Public Health.
Speaking of the negative impact of the easing restrictions Minister Manastirliu said a further relaxation of the scheme depends on the cooperation of the citizens with the institutions. citizens
“It holds true that punishments are not the solution but it is similarly true that an entire people cannot be penalized by a minority whose actions can cause immense damage,” she said. In a comment on the last two days’ double digit number the minister said it was the maximum allowed in the frame of the opening up.
“A further increase will force us to undertake immediate steps not to allow a second wave of the pandemic, which would blow up what has been achieved so far,” Manastirliu warned. /argumentum.al