TIRANA, November 27 – Phone numbers and conversations made by around 500,000 Albanian WhatsApp users are now for sale on the so-called darkweb.
Security expert Ervin Karamuço said on Sunday that this act is another catastrophic loss of privacy.
“All the communications made last year by some 506,000 Albanians, users of the WhatsApp application, are being sold on the darkweb Another catastrophic loss of privacy,” said Karamuço in a post on Facebook.
This is not the first time that Albanians’ data are revealed from hackers, including data on salaries, license plates and identity cards.
Albania has been a target of Iranian hackers and a huge information considered secret has been made public in the worst cyber attack against this Balkan country.
However the authorities keep trying not to make it a big deal as unfortunately the ordinary Albanians are not aware of the blow on their privacy.