The President of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, stated today that the current policies in Albania are not leading the country in the right direction.
In his speech at the meeting of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) held in Ljubljana, Slovenia with the theme “New challenges for Albania, region, Europe and the world”, Meta spoke about the EU integration process.
“For Albania, many conditions have been set to improve the quality of democracy, power sharing, property rights, etc. But the lack of significant reforms has only worsened and prolonged the solution of these problems”, said Meta.
“The current policies in Albania do not lead us in the right direction. Therefore, the Freedom Party of Albania is very clear and committed to what needs to be done”, said Meta.
On the domestic level, added Meta, “we have 5 main priorities, together with the political objectives to heal the democratic system, recover the free market economy, and guarantee the rights and judicial security of our citizens, which aim to achieve the objective accelerated growth of Albania’s population to more than 4 million Albanians”.
Specifically, he said, “The 5 priorities are: stopping depopulation, increasing pensions and wages, investing in education and human capital, developing agriculture and food to reduce living costs, and, finally, transforming the economic model of country to turn Albania into an exporting country”.
Speaking about Kosovo, Meta said that, “we also want to support much more the integration of Kosovo in international organizations, NATO and the UN”.
“I have always held the position that the recognition of Kosovo’s independence has been used as a currency of exchange by Serbia and, much more, by Russia, in its imperialist objectives”, emphasized Meta.
According to him, “the failure to integrate Kosovo in the Parliamentary Assembly is a mistake. It only motivates Serbia to continue with double flirtations with Russia. The failure to integrate Kosovo into the Council of Europe is a mistake. This only motivates Serbia to continue with its double flirtation with Russia”.
“The International Court of Justice has established the independence of Kosovo in accordance with international law”, underlined Meta.