With only 6 days left from the day when Albanian citizens will go to the polls for the parliamentary elections, it seems that the rhetoric of politicians towards each other has increased and as a result their electorate is extremely sensitive. Therefore, the Head of the Catholic Church, Mons George Frendo, has once again called on the candidates to conduct a clean, dignified election campaign, without turning to insults, swearing, humiliation of personal or family character.
“Please use vocabulary that educates your supporters about more honest behavior, vocabulary that leads to fanatism, because the offspring of fanatism is violence, and violence breeds violence,” is the appeal of Mons George Frendos.
At the Easter Vigil Mass I made this appeal: “We were very sorry to read the words of some politicians who have used a vocabulary that does not promote respect for the very noble profession of politician. I call on the candidates to conduct a clean, dignified election campaign, without reducing the level to insults, swearing, humiliation of a personal or family character.”
Politicians who use offensive, insulting, humiliating vocabulary incite fanatism, and fanatism breeds violence. We have seen these days various cases of violence in the name of politics. So I appeal again to politicians, especially party leaders: Please, do not use vocabulary that does not educate your supporters for more honest behavior, vocabulary that leads to fanatism, because the seed of fanatism is violence, and violence breeds violence. /argumentum.al