TIRANA – Head of opposition Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha could not give a direct answer to a question put to him during a video press conference on Tuesday if he would sit at a table with Prime Minister Edi Rama in the circumstance of the coronavirus crisis.
“There has been cooperation in these circumstances. To propose solution is our task and loyal cooperation which can be offered by the opposition for the sake of citizens’ interest,” said Basha.
He mentioned Kosovo and North Macedonia as models which can be followed. “Let’s take Kosovo and North Macedonia as models to see how problems are resolved and the wish to help the people,” said the DP head.
Last week a videoconference organized by President Ilir Meta put together PM Rama and the opposition head Basha, where the latter had the opportunity to unveil his proposals to cope with the coronavirus crisis.
“We have proposed a full package which has to do with the measures in health system, obligations of the state stemming from the proclamation of the emergency situation,” said Basha in the press conference on Tuesday.
Speaking of the source where money could be found by the government, Basha repeated the demand for the government to cancel the concessionary contracts worth 120 million euro and to reallocate 140 million euro earmarked for operative spending which are not necessary in this time of crisis.
According to him, the budget has other reserves and said that it should not be seen America but Kosovo.
Without elaborating on an eventual direct meeting with Rama, Basha concluded by saying that the opposition had shown loyal cooperation by proposing solutions. /argumentum.al