By Mons. George Frendo
I make this call driven by love for our people and interest in the common good.
Aren’t we worried about the terrible situation of the spread of coronavirus in our country? There are many days that we hear about a higher number of infected people almost every day than the previous day. More than a hundred people are infected every day. When the number of the infected was much smaller, many orders were given to avoid dangers: no cars on the weekends, many restrictions on exit, buses were not used, one day even military trucks came out !!! True, the situation was described as a war!
What about now? Have we reconciled with the coronavirus? Or are we afraid that more restrictions will create problems for the country’s economy? And what should be the priority, the economy, or the health of the people? The Minister of Health has done very well, often appealing for measures to be taken to protect against the epidemic. But the word of the Minister is not enough.
A few days ago, Father Arturo Sosa, the general superior of the Jesuits, said that the coronavirus is a threat not only to human life and affairs, but also to democracy. “Democracy can be one of the victims of the pandemic if we do not take care of our political situation.”
Maybe someone can accuse me of interfering in politics? Jesus has approached and healed many sick people. Unfortunately I do not have this ability! But it is my duty to speak for the protection of the health of our people.
Please: take more care of the health of our people! /