TIRANA – “Human trafficking is not only a crime and most unacceptable form of human rights violation. It leaves incredibly deep and damaging physical and emotional mark on everyone who is affected by it, directly or indirectly,” has said Roberto de Bernardi, Representative of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Albania.
To address human trafficking which is a modern -day slavery affecting every country either as a source, a transit point, or destination, UNICEF Albania has initiated a more pro-active and direct engagement with the most-at risk communities, duty bearers, professional groups and civil society partners.
“Unfortunately, children and young women are the ones who suffer the most from this crime,” Dr. De Bernardi said as quoted by a statement released by the press office of UNICEF Albania on Monday.
Despite the concerted efforts of the Albanian Government, international organizations and civil society to combat the phenomenon, human trafficking continues to be a reality for many Albanian citizens, children, young girls and young people in particular.
The intervention aims to increase the preventive measures for people at risk of trafficking and support those who survived the modern day slavery by protecting their rights and opening up access to a range of appropriate services, and assistance to socio-economic reintegration. This initiative will be implemented in four municipalities: Shkodra, Tirana, Diber and Kukes and will target children, parents, young people, front line workers and key duty bearers.
UNICEF Albania’s Representative underlines the importance of combining resources and expertise to efficiently tackle human trafficking. “We need to act now and act together. We have a strong coalition of national and international partners already in place, we have very motivated State and non-state actors by our side and we have the UK Government’s generous support to make the difference, first and foremost for those people who survived the trafficking horror and those who are at risk of it,” he emphasizes.
“The UK is committed to the eradication of all forms of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking, as unanimously adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015. We are working closely with our international partners and multilateral organizations, including the Albanian Government and UNICEF Albania to tackle this global problem,” underlined British Ambassador to Tirana Duncan Norman.
“The Modern Slavery programme in Albania will help reintegrate victims back into society and provide support to individuals at risk of falling into the hands of criminals who seek to exploit the vulnerable. Through this programme we will provide training and support to 250 professionals from the law enforcement and justice sectors,” Ambassador says.
“Modern slavery is a repugnant and hidden crime that can happen anywhere, preying on the most vulnerable in society. By working with the Albanian government and UNICEF we will raise awareness and oppose all forms of criminal exploitations, safeguarding human rights and dignity.”
The initiative is led by UNICEF Albania and the anti-trafficking coalition, which consists of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Terre des Hommes, and three national non-governmental organizations – Vatra, Tjeter Vizion and Të Ndryshëm dhe të Barabartë. /argumentum.al